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Android: onScrollStateChanged SCROLL_STATE_IDLE sometimes doesn't fire

I'm running into a bit of a problem. What I'm doing: I've got a ListView which has got some images in it. To make the scrolling smoother I've disabled the images to show up when scrolling. Now there seems to be a bug in Android which sometimes causes the scroll state to not change back from SCROLL_STATE_FLING back to SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, which causes my images to not show up again.

My first thought was to set an onTouchListener and check when I get ACTION_UP, but that doesn't help because the SCROLL_STATE_FLING state is obviously being set after that. So now I've thought I could start a timer when the SCROLL_STATE_FLING state is being set and check after some time if the state is still in fling mode and then invalidate my view. But I don't think that's a very good solution.

Does anyone have a better idea on how I could do that? I've seen this reply but I need a solution for API level < 9 (plus it also sometimes happen when it's not overscrolling)

Here's my code for that:

    mList.setOnScrollListener(new OnScrollListener() {

public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
.setIsScrolling(scrollState != SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
Log.i(this, "scrollStateChanged" + scrollState);
if (scrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {

public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {

Thanks, Maria